Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Are you just bragging?

Why am I here? To boast about how wonderful my marriage has become? No.

Most of my male friends are married and their single biggest complaint is that they don't get enough sex. Some, admittedly, find their wife physically - or, less often, emotionally - unattractive. However, many find that their wife simply no longer wants sex. This blog is for them. There may be hope. There may be a way forward.

I will not claim that what is happening to me is typical or replicable. I do not want to encourage men to blindly challenge their partners to become wild and passionate in bed - that conversation needs to be thought out carefully. I was unbelievably lucky in the way the cards fell in my contretemps with my wife. As my profile declares, I have made an entire career out of being unfeasibly lucky.

I am not altruistic: I am also here for totally selfish reasons. This has been a confusing, surprising time for me and I also feel that it will be the beginning of a journey of discovery into myself and the psyche of my wife. I hope that by writing some of my experiences down, it may help me to rationalise what is happening in my life and take decisions about how to shape my future.


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