Saturday, August 28, 2004

Why do women go off sex in marriage?

I am no expert in this field and so don't bother writing to ask my views... However, my wife and I began to have problems after the birth of our first child. The post-birth decline in the female libido is a common phenomenon (apparently described at many lengths in medical literature - but I'm far to lazy to research it in depth!). I have also read that it is more pronounced in women who start having children in their mid- to late-thirties (although that does not apply to my wife). So I should clearly cut her some slack here...

There are two aspects, I believe.

1. Physical
Apparently, after birth, high prolactin levels (which are sustained by frequent breastfeeding) inhibit the sexual drive and can produce physical changes such as a lack of vaginal lubrication. Also libido is often tied into the menstrual cycle, which can take up to a year or more to return in women who are exclusively breastfeeding their baby. Nature is quite clever and provides its own ways of ensuring a woman doesn't get pregnant again too soon after birth.

We do have three children so female physiology could have been a factor, plus she religiously breastfed them each for at least a year.

Nevertheless, there were 5 years between No 2 and No 3 sprog, so something else must have been going on... Which brings us to the second factor.

2. Psychological
If a woman isn't breastfeeding, or it's some time after the birth, lack of interest in sex is more likely to have a psychological basis, or just result from prolonged tiredness. Women, like my wife, who have spent a decade or so enmeshed physically and psychologically with their children can end up feeling that sex and sexuality is something very remote from themselves, almost redundant. They can then extend
those feelings to their partner and assume that they feel the same way.

Physical exhaustion was definitely a factor with my wife. She works part time in a demanding - and emotionally exhausting - profession, as well as looking after the home.

So what happened in my marriage? Children draw every ounce of affection from you and have an unparalleled ability to run you ragged. With a demanding professional career (and a pretty up-tight family upbringing), I guess my wife saw sex as being a thing of the past. Given her lack of sexual desire, I felt that I was forcing my needs on her and backed off too (though not completely). I think she must have assumed that I had little sexual desire in general and perhaps none for her specifically. I believe that motherhood can skew a woman's self esteem - they are a mother/cook/nurse and therefore inevitably "unattractive".


Blogger Good Wife said...

Hours after giving birth to my son, I was hopelessly horny. With the sentence on 6 weeks of abstinence given by my doctor, I thought I'd go nuts. The first night home from hospital, as the baby lay sleeping in the bassinet, I gave my husband a blow job, and continued the practice until I was released from my doctor.

I did breastfeed as well, but never felt my libido lessen. Perhaps I'm the exception to the rule?

It is interesting how Mother Nature likes to meddle with the body, trying to persuade it to do as she sees fit.

I suppose sex means different things to different people.

Nice blog! :) I'll be sure to check back often!


4:27 pm  
Blogger Salvatori said...

I'm sure everyone is different. Your husband is a lucky man.

My wife was horny as hell during pregnancy - which many women are not.

4:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good blog, by the way......but the title of this post bothers me. My Ex Husband went off sex the minute we moved in together but was quite happy to masturbate despite the fact he had a very willing partner. Please do not assume that women go off sex in marriage, men do too.

I accept masturbation as a useful self loving pastime, and indeed extremely useful for a female to achieve orgasm, and to learn about her body, and vice versa for men. But, I found my ex husband's 'habit' totally dispairing and disrespectful for me (I have a high sex drive)......

4:01 pm  

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