Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Early days III...

And trade I did. Kirsty was what I thought I wanted - a tasty bit of posh totty. She was slim, long limbed and beautiful.

Sadly two things were to doom this relationship.

Firstly, it turned out she had been sexually abused as a child (by one of the staff - she was truly posh). Unsurprisingly, she was reluctant to get sexual (not what a teenage male intent on getting his dick wet really wants to hear). But I was cool with that (a proto-metrosexual teenager - one of a kind...). I would take my time. I would be loving. I would be gentle. I am rather proud that she told me later in her life (I met her 10 years after the relationship ended) that she owed her sexuality to me - I reawakened the sexual being that had hidden deep inside her after the abuse.

What I was less proud about was that I was still getting no action after six months. She was even less willing to reciprocate my sexual advances than Lizzie had been. Some trade... (Yeah, I know - I'm a heartless bastard)

The second issue - and the one that ultimately doomed the relationship - was that she was pretty stupid. Conversation was far from sparkling. I realised that I needed some intellectual stimulation from the relationship, especially if I wasn't getting any physical stimulation. Once the topic left the party circuit and our friends there really wasn't anything there. You couldn't even get a cruel entertainment from it. Wind-ups such as "did you know that the word gullible is not in the Oxford English Dictionary" cease to be much fun when they succeed every time - like shooting fish in a barrel.

To be fair she wasn't as dumb as her friends. They were dead from the neck up (the blokes were "Tim Nice-But-Dim", the girls were body by Barbie, brains by Mattel). I remember sitting in the drawing room of one friend, watching the news and one of the girls saying, "What's apartheid". Remember this was the late 70's / early 80's - and apartheid was a massive issue around the world, dominating the news media - us "right-on" students were boycotting South African products.

I gently explained the mechanics of separation by ethnicity and the girl said (and I kid you not), "Oh that's nice! I don't like black people either."


To be continued...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey don't worry Salvatori. Nobody's bored here. Keep it up.

2:02 pm  

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