Monday, February 21, 2005

All work and play makes Salvatori a dull lad...

Well that's my first New Year's resolution broken... No, it's not any of the serious stuff - I've not gone and bonked someone I shouldn't - but No. 8 on the list "Blog More".

You will have noticed a lack of posts here...

My absence has been partly enforced - a seven country, five day business trip with back-to-back meetings followed by a family skiing holiday to the Alps - I didn't have the time or freedom to blog. But more worryingly, it was also indolence - I didn't miss it.

No, I am not about to give up blogging - this "excruciatingly smug, self-satisfied, narcissistic" form of therapy will continue. It's just that I think the stuff is working. I am less wracked by guilt than I was. Perhaps time and distance are having their effect. But undoubtedly, vomiting all this crap into cyberspace has helped me deal with it.

My relationship with Mrs. S is getting stronger too. It used to be that a week away had us at each other's throats - all those annoying tendencies would add up. But we were like a honeymoon couple - all smoochy and cuddles. And hot sex...

But more of that later...

Thought for the day:

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


Blogger Salvatori said...

I could name a couple who do...

8:32 am  
Blogger k said...

I'd like to feel sexy looking like that... but then again, I wouldn't accept it from my partner (lack there of currently, but you get my drift) :)

6:07 pm  
Blogger Virgin Slut said...

Sexiness is a state of mind more than anything else. I once knew a girl with a shaved head who was very sexy and guys were all over her (though I secretly suspect she was a lesbian). The shaved head made her seem confident aqnd that's attractive.

11:42 pm  

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