Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Embarrass me do...

A couple of posts (one on GWAOTM and one on Erosblog) reminded me of two embarrassing episodes in my life.

The first incident involved my precocious reading skills and my unbelieveably liberal upbringing. I read "Inside Linda Lovelace, (the "autobiography" of the star of porn classic "Deep Throat") aged about 12. I picked the book up in our house (I think my father and mother had both already read it). I wasn't too worried about my parents knowing about me reading it, either. So far so good.

However, my infamous uncle came round and discovered that I was reading it - my mother ratted me out. He saw the opportunity... He made sure I was quizzed on it by his then girlfriend (it may have been that my uncle had lent it to my parents in the first place).

Made me blush something rotten having to explain the plot of "Deep Throat" to an attractive 22yo woman.

Scarred for life.

Second episode to come...



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