Thursday, May 05, 2005

Election 2005....

A topical post for today, as the British people - proud of their ancient tradition of democratic government - stay at home in a wave of apathy and watch Footballers' Wives on TV.
The Labour Party today announced that it is changing its emblem from a red rose to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.

A spokesman said. "Condoms allow inflation, halt production, prevent the next generation developing, protect a bunch of pricks, and give you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed. We think that you're stupid enough not to notice that, for once, we are being honest."

Asked why they were ditching the rose emblem that had served New Labour so well, he replied, "The rose was appropriate. As everyone knows, it smells sweet and looks attractive but when you look beneath there's just a bunch of pricks. However, since we no longer look attractive, the condom is now a more accurate metaphor."

Lest you think that I hate the Labour Party (I do), I should also add that I find almost any politician intolerable...

As I've said before, my view is a little like the Groucho Marx comment that he "wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have him as a member" - I think any politician prepared to do what it takes to get elected is totally unsuitable for high office (Mr Blair is a prime example...).

If you want to know my politics, I am resolutely centerist (and therefore to the left of Blair) on most social issues but with a strong libertarian tendency (small government is good, given what I think of politicians). When it comes to economic policy, I am somewhat to the right of Genghis Khan.

So, Labour are wrecking the economy. The Conservatives are a bunch of bigots. The Liberals, the least libertarian, will have us in a control economy before Charles Kennedy sobers up. Not much of a choice... Even the smaller parties are shit - UKIP are little Englanders, the Greens are loony, BNP fascist...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This disenchantment with the Labor
Party seems wide spread. The
"Tory Bastards" at the Economist
endorsed Blair, but in the weakest
terms imaginable (baically, he's the
best of a very bad lot they feel).

I was sorry to see that Blair and the
Labor Party did not pay a higher
price politically for the war in
Iraq. If Blair had gone down it
would have hurt Bush (the
bete noir of my country). The fact that Blair
and the British people have helped
give Bush cover has not been good
for anyone.

However, what ever Blair's faults
(and they are many) at least you can
console yourself that you only have
"Bush's Poodle" rather than Bush
himself. This is our particular
cross to bear. That and the knowledge
that slightly over half of the voters
in the US were stupid enough to
vote for him in 2004.


3:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enough of this political bs. come back and tell us stories.

12:40 am  

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