Monday, April 25, 2005

What was that about?

I mentioned in my comments that Mrs. S. and I had been going through a “dry patch”. Nothing sinister, just very busy schedules, some illness and other factors getting in the way.

So a couple of nights ago, there we were in bed. Kids asleep, not too late, no obvious distractions - perfect conditions for a bit of rumpy-pumpy...

I slid over to my wife and started kissing her neck. “Get off - I just want to sleep,” was the romantic response. Thanks, darling. Normally that would be enough of a hint (I can pick up these subtle female signals, you know). However, I have to admit that my balls were sufficiently blue that I had to push it a bit more. I kept kissing and I got lots of “harrumphs”. Undeterred (I was so sex deprived that I wasn't going to stop unless she actually told me to stop), I slid between her legs to tease my hard cock over her pussy. This is something my wife likes in foreplay - the feeling of my cock pressing against her her labia to her is preferable to a probing finger or tongue.

# As an aside, I suspect that this is down to upbringing rather than sensation - it is rude to touch/lick/suck but pudenda-to-pudenda contact is “acceptable” behaviour (in the privacy of your own home, with the lights out) #

Anyway, as I eased my glans over her pussy, it happened. My cock slid easily and deeply into her vagina.

What the fuck?

This only happens if she's very, very turned on. But mere seconds before she was saying she didn't want to make love. I made a comment about it along the lines of “I guess you want this too” but she brushed it off - “it's not about need”. She then orgasms but is all grumpy.

I'm sorry but orgasms don't leave me grumpy...

She isn't “comfortable” in any position that we try except doggie (which coincidentally is the position that gets me to orgasm fastest). She brushes off anything that might make it a more pleasurable experience for her (and bear in mind that she has orgasmed once). Taking the hint, I up the tempo and come pretty quickly for me. She comes again... No post-shag murmuring either, just silence as I cuddled her.

Now, clearly I was a shit (no new news there...) for pushing it when she didn't seem in the mood but what is going on?

She was clearly horny and her body wanted sex as badly as I did but she trys to avoid it?

We had had no argument. I had committed no heinous offence for which my wife was withholding privileges. I have been - by my standards, at least - the model husband recently (home earlier, flowers, little affectionate kisses when we are alone, talking to her rather than watching the “electric fish tank”, chores done). Indeed, the next night I got treated to a sort of hot sex extravaganza.

So why, when her body clearly wanted sex desperately did she seek to deny both me and herself? I'd get it if she was "tired" and "not turned on" but "tired" + "turned on" = "quick hot-and-horny shag" to me...

Reminds me of the classic and age-old joke:
A man is walking along a deserted beach early one morning when he finds an old oil lamp. Giving it the clichéd rub, the inevitable genie appears. The genie, rather pissed off at the interruption to his sleep offers the bloke a single wish. He thinks about it and says “Well, I have a phobia about flying and I am scared of ships but I really want to visit America. So, I'd like a bridge across the Atlantic, please.”

The genie snorted in disbelief. “No, that's impossible. Think of the engineering challenge, the billions of tons of steel and concrete. Sorry, that is just ridiculous. You'll have to think of something else.”

The man thought hard again. “OK. What I want is to understand women. What makes them laugh: what makes them cry: why they love. That way I'll never be unsure how to relate to my partner.”

The genie replied, “Do you want six or eight lanes on that bridge?"


Blogger An Extraordinary woman in a mediocre life said...

lol @ the joke
maybe your wife had been reading something sexy and moderately arousing before bed?
or possibly she had amused herself already with the vibrator you bought her...

3:12 pm  
Blogger Red said...

Sex for a woman is so very different than it is for a man. The true arousal is primarily in the mind. I've been mentally on fire and had my body refuse to respond properly and I have had my body go along when my mind is just not into it.

It sounds complicated - but it can be so very worth it...

4:05 pm  
Blogger Jay said...

Great post!

I have no answer for you though. Maybe she wanted it, just not from you?


4:17 pm  
Blogger tieme-n-spankme said...

Possibly one explanation: maybe it was the right time of the month for her to be well-lubed - but her mind just wasn't with it despite hormonal/egg readiness.

6:42 pm  
Blogger AJ said...

Rumpy pumpy... wow, I have never heard that phrase before, and will definitely be spreading it around these parts. I'm with with vibrator/masturbation theory, sounds like she started the fun without you.

7:07 am  
Blogger Salvatori said...

OK, a few thoughts / clarifications...

Since she had slipped into bed only a moment before me, I think I can almost certainly write off the masturbation theories. Activity prior to that was cleaning her teeth... If she'd just started, she'd done well.

Fantasy about someone else? Perhaps she had read "Tucker Max's" comment to the last post(LOL) but nothing obvious (I think we had been watching something dull and worthy on TV beforehand).

I suspect that OW has hit the nail - body willing but mind elsewhere. It is her "mid-cycle-horniness" phase. I find that where my body (read "dick") leads, my mind generally follows but then I'm a man...

12:40 pm  
Blogger k said...

I've had that before too, mind you with a boyfriend, but sometimes it you hit it just right, the fluids flow and the rest is sweet.
Nice work getting her off twice!
I've yet to get someone to get me off twice in one shot :(

7:58 pm  
Blogger Red said...

Woohoo! What do I win?

Seriously, I can have sex at any time physically...

...but if my mind is seduced, teased and set free sexually - I am completely unleashed. I'm trying to pin down the formula that works best for me for a future post...I'd be curious to see if other females identified.

3:07 am  
Blogger Some Woman said...

I don't get it though, because if I'm anywhere NEAR cumming I'm digging it. And if I cum TWICE... I mean, that second one is something I'm going for. So... yeah... I don't get it, either.

3:34 am  
Blogger Christine said...

Maybe she was really tired. Having orgasms don't always put me to sleep, they wake me up! Being tired and then really awake might make me grumpy.

2:08 pm  
Blogger Salvatori said...

Sorry to hear that - report card on your men should read "must try harder".

You win nothing but my respect (and, sorry, that's pretty worthless because I'm such a pig). Seriously, thanks for the insight.

Interesting and also possibly true for my wife. Add to that, for men, sex is a sedative - I'll sleep soundly (and snore loudly - in a very attractive way, you understand) after sex. Being wide awake, wanting to go to sleep while the buffoon rattles the windows is not a good prospect if you're tired.

12:02 pm  

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