Monday, March 07, 2005

Honey, I'm home...

I stumbled across a joke that seemed appropriate (even though it bears no resemblance to my life at the moment...), given my last post.

Two guys are in a bar having a drink after work. A quick pint had turned into quite a few, as they put the world to rights. Suddenly, one of them looks at his watch and says, “Oh fuck! Look at the time! My wife will be asleep in bed now.”

His colleague asked, “So what's the problem?”

“Well,” begins the other, “I'll get home and no matter how quietly I come in she'll be awake. She'll then give me a hard time about coming in this late and demand to know where I've been all this time.”

“Oh, you should do what I do,” said the other. “Make as much noise as you can when you come in and shout up that she better get ready because you're horny and want a blow job when you get into bed.

“Trust me, she'll pretend to be asleep when you walk in...”



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